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Marc Spears, an ESPN journalist, recently received an apology from a store he accused of racially profiling him and his friends. Spears believes that he was racially profiled at Anthem Interiors in Healdsburg, California.
Spears expressed his disappointment and detailed the incident in a post on Instagram.
“On this night, while enjoying Healdsburg, my friends and I, all African-American, were racially profiled at a store called @antheminteriors by the two employees,” Spears shared.

He shared that he has had good experiences while visiting Healdsburg in the past and was saddened by the ignorance and racism he experienced at Anthem Interiors.
Spears admitted feeling internal anger while in the company of two employees at the establishment. He shared that he felt pressure to make an expensive purchase to prove himself but opted not to. Instead, Spears asked the woman working there where the bathroom was located.
“I tried to give the lady that worked there the benefit of the doubt by asking if she knew where the nearest bathroom was,” Marc Spears said.
The woman then suggested that Spears and his friends use the restroom at the police station across the street.
In the Instagram post Spears expressed that he was perplexed by her statement and questioned the woman’s suggestion. “I asked her why would I go to the bathroom at a police station? Her response was that it will be OK they won’t arrest you,” Spears said.
Spears abruptly left the establishment and found a bathroom at a nearby wine bar.

Anthem Interiors Issues Apology to Marc Spears
Following the incident’s widespread attention, Anthem Interiors’ founder, Janelle Loevner, issued an apology to Spears.
According to the San Fransico Chronicle, Loevner said, “I’m deeply sorry that was his experience.”
Loevner went on to express her strong commitment to the community. “I worked really long and hard to build a solid business. I care deeply about the community… So for this to happen it’s just devastating,” Loevner said.
Marc Spears, seemingly accepting the apology, mentioned that he felt that it was sincere.
He shared that the incident will not deter him from enjoying the city of Healdsburg in the future.
“I truly love Healdsburg and won’t let this one incident steal my joy or cause me not to return…Thanks to the ones that show love, not ignorance and racism.”