Comments on: U.S. humanitarian aid for Ukraine is proof we can do more for Americans "Access is the New Civil Right" Sat, 17 Sep 2022 00:54:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Chad Dawson Mon, 20 Jun 2022 21:02:34 +0000 The government uses the homeless as a scare tactic to ensure the tax payer continues to go to work and pay up. I’m a veteran who lost my business due to an accident and can’t get any help. Even when I have sent letters to my senators and congressmen I get back some BS canned later stating they understand my concerns with Ukraine. The letters have been about my trying to get assistance and being ignored, I think we need to storm the capitol but this time do it the right way. I’m sick of our country and it’s corrupt politicians, they can go live in hell.

By: Thea Wed, 18 May 2022 12:57:28 +0000 It’s not only blacks who are poor & homeless in thee US & not receiving any help. I’m a 56 year old white woman & I have been homeless since a tornado destroyed my home in 2011. We did not qualify for help because not enough of our county was destroyed. I am beyond angry that ‘our’ government is so willing to help other countries when there are so many people in America who are suffering & need assistance. I’m tired of being ignored & denied.

By: JM Sat, 23 Apr 2022 11:25:55 +0000 Thank you for a thoughtful and well-written article. I was searching for something that could speak to the thoughts in my head and you nailed it! I wanted to vent about why the government can spend billions of our tax dollars overseas but can’t agree on how to make amends for the Tulsa massacre, redlining, years of systematic racism in employment, housing and educational opportunities and even the fact that they’ve legalized marijuana but leave thousands of blacks in prison who were jailed for this very offense. We, blacks, should have a say In how those billions get spent. For my money, I need more than symbolic holidays established to recognize black struggles and talk about doing better with killing black people and facing no penalty for it. Our, yes, our elected officials are making it happen for Ukrainian people but quick. How about doing that right here for US black citizens who built this country and continue to try to get a fair sliver of its shrinking pie? Even the Ukrainian immigrants now flooding into the US get housing and support. We can start there for the American homeless. Just saying.

By: Global Food Crisis may arise as Putin's War in Ukraine wages on Wed, 23 Mar 2022 18:45:42 +0000 […] Humanitarian Aid suggests a domestic food crisis can be averted.  […]

By: Sandra L Pyette Sun, 20 Mar 2022 19:09:41 +0000 As you drive anywhere in America, you WILL pass many tents, cardboard boxes, and grocery carts full of belonging of the homesless. It makes me ill to see that our greedy government is so fast to deliver billions to another country when we are suffering here in America. We the people have had it. Changes must be made to our government or a collapse of U.S. government may be OUR future. Start supporting us, the people, like we have supported you in the past.
