Comments on: Affirmative action in danger, SCOTUS to hear appeal "Access is the New Civil Right" Sat, 17 Sep 2022 00:51:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: gregbreakpointgmailcom Tue, 25 Jan 2022 22:19:45 +0000 This is another attempt to establish “reverse racism” which really never has existed. Now we know Justice Thomas’s vote if for sale if you retain his wife for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and the stolen seat from Obama, the right is certain they can continue white supremacy in admissions. Clever idea to include Asian Americans in this as a cover. The same team that refers to the “Kung flu” and looks for bamboo in the ballot paper. I am a two decade school board trustee and I have felt first hand how the white student who has every opportunity in education including tutoring and courses on how to take the SAT ends up with a 14 pt, higher score than the black student who had to work thru high school, had nothing and minimal support also could not afford the how to game the SAT test. The black student had a better essay and interview yet when he was accepting the parents screamed “Reverse Racism” to the skies because their privileged little Johnny got a few points higher SAT. This is such BS. There are many other factors to the application dynamics that make a good University community member. Now they want to codify adherence only to scores obtained by the privileged as the only acceptable admissions criteria. This is imposition of systemic racism, Oh, no, did I mention something relatable to CRT?
Now they will come to defund my school district because I dared share truth and history.
